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Census 2011

Answer Jedi to the religion question in the Census 2011

If none of the worlds religions inspire you, but you felt warmth from discussions about "the force" in the original star wars trilogy, then consider answering "Jedi" when prompted to name your religion in the next census. Please share this message widely, using a Facebook status update and link to

Or Answer Facebook to the religion question in the Census 2011

If none of the worlds religions inspire you, but your addiction to Facebook is equivalent to religious zeal, then consider answering "Facebook" when prompted to name your religion in the next census. Please share this message widely. using a Facebook status update and link to

Visit us again later in the year.

We will be demanding that Statisitcs NZ provide us with acurate statistical data relating to your choice of religion. Remember that in a free country, that you have the freedom to decide what your religion is, and no one has the right to take away that civil liberty by categorising your religion as anything other that the legible answer you provided them.

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