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I would use a weapon to overthrow my government if i had sufficient reason ?


On average, everyone agrees with significant nonconsensus between 33 voters.


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I would use a weapon to overthrow my government if i had sufficient reason

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Reasons To Disagree

No reasons have yet been given to disagree with this statement

Reasons To Agree

When it gets bad enough that we’re finding ourselves in a similar situation to the Arab Spring or Venezuela, absolutely.

27 November 2018

No reason to comment beyond the one given referencing what is happening in Venezuela except to add North Korea.

29 November 2018

It doesn't matter your title, if you are a threat to the free world or to my family I will defend myself anyway possible.

15 December 2018

If the government became to Tyrant the citizen would haft to stand up and fight back. it happened once in history it will happen again.

4 May 2020

If a government were to become tyrannical the people must reform by any means

27 January 2024

Reasons for Remain Neutral

The question is ambigupus. Too many variables in what people consider a good reason. If the government is violating the law itself, and provably so, then yes. If they are excercizing law appropriately and people don't like it, then no.

27 November 2018

A good reason is very subjective. Using a weapon to overthrow a tyrannical government who is imposing harmful and dangerous practices, on it's people, and not being there for the people and the greater good, would possibly be a good reason. Using one just because you disagree with something they said or did maybe not so much. Lots of variables and mostly grey area.

15 December 2020

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