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Armed revolution is better than fleeing conflict as a refugee?


On average, everyone agrees with nonconsensus between 33 voters.


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Armed revolution is better than fleeing conflict as a refugee

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Reasons To Disagree

running from your problems don't solve anything,

14 June 2020


Reasons To Agree

It depends on the circumstance, and the country you are fleeing. If you can stand against corruption, instead of running, I will do so.

27 November 2018

As long as you do not have a child attached to you. If you do, get the child to safety with one parent and the other stay behind for the conflict- preferably the most able-bodied of the two. If disabled, by all means leave.

27 November 2018

If you are fighting a tyrannical government then the answer is always yes if you are capable of doing so. If you are trying to overthrow a government to instill your own form of government then it is better to move to to someplace that has the kind of government you are wanting.

29 November 2018

running from your problems don't solve anything, and even if you find sanctuary somewhere else, others are still left to suffer, revolution may be messy, However if its done for the greater good- its necessary Why drag your problems to a new country and cause more problems there as well... Just stay home n fight it out.

15 December 2018


8 February 2020

i rather have a revolution than be a burden on a different country for my countries failures.

4 May 2020

The force is a cycle "Star WARS" if the force wills war there must be war.

29 August 2021

Revolution is better than being a coward

26 January 2024

Reasons for Remain Neutral

The Jedi Order should not seek war or conflict. Oppressive systems should be overthrown, but violence or war should be a last resort.

20 April 2019

Standing against tyranny is one thing, fleeing to save your own skin and leaving others to suffer is wrong. Armed revolution against something because you believe you are better is just wrong. Armed revolution against something because that something is inherently the dark side and causing harm and suffering, could be the right thing to do.

15 December 2020

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